art by @mooglepilled on twt

Evroult Alunastra

Protector. Big, tall, soft. Your favorite all-rounder.

Evroult, born in Urqopacha, raised in Shaaloani. Tural was all he knew until age 17, when he received his father's blessing to start his own life. This would lead Evroult to travel to Aldenard, and begin his journey in a land far different from home.

Birthday: 20th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon in 1541 of the Seventh Umbral Era (Age 36)Patron: Azeyma, the Warden

Background WIP!

1541 - Age 0; Sired by Nicatl in a mountainside village in Urqopacha. At birth, named Tonatiuh. (Birth name is something only Turali natives and his partner are privy to. Your character may learn it if they become close enough. If you bring this name up unprompted with no context, he will not respond!) Rising conflicts and dangers a la Tural Vidraal convinced Nicatl to move him and his son on the long trek to Xak Tural, Shaaloani. There, Nicatl found work and lodging, using agricultural knowledge to tend crops, and became invaluable to the small town. He passed down his skills & expertise to his son, and by the time he reached adolescence, agriculture was nigh second nature.

---1554 - Age 13; He has since lived as a farmhand. He longs to travel the world, and more so past the seas. Nicatl is reluctant, but as his son reaches the age to fend for himself, he relents and teaches him the ins and outs of trades, and others in town offering lessons as well, to take as skills to start strong when he reaches Aldenard.

---1558 - Age 17; Nicatl accompanies his son to Tulliyolal to see him off on his journey. Ready for voyage, the young x’braal joins a scholarly group setting off for Aldenard. He is advised by those on his voyage that his trade would be most likely to find work in Gridania. During the voyage, he reads various books aboard the boat that were offered to him, to which he finds a storybook of a noble knight whose name he decides to take up as his moniker while in Eorzea; Evroult. The ship ports at Limsa Lominsa, where he stops to rest. Here he makes a connection with [future FC-mate] while he adjusts.From here, he takes an airship to Gridania. It is here he uses X’braal-unique botany tricks to gain admission to the Botanists Guild. Here, he learns more than he could ever about Aldenard and the neighboring countries, such as Ilsabard and Othard.

---1562 - Age 21; Throughout his time in Aldenard, he learns of hrothgar, x’braal tribes in Ilsabard albeit under Garlean occupation. This sparks something inside him— a call to action. Recalling the teachings of his father, he hunkers down to make a living in a new land. Though, not long after, the fall of Bozja Citadel resounds throughout the star. The tragedy radicalizes Evroult. He pleads to join the Conjurer’s Guild to one day assist in efforts against the Garlean Empire. The botanist guild fieldsophs insists he consider staying to assist with distribution and cultivation of crops, especially those he had mastery over.

---1572 - Age 31; By this time, Evroult has joined, then dropped out of the conjurer’s guild after conflicting viewpoints, but the teachings he walked away with the tools to create a small art of his own, to which he would nickname as “aetherweaving,” as the healing would utilize the aether and “stitch” a wound. Rocky, rough but worked much faster than normal healing with the caveat of being somewhat itchy afterwards.Still a standing member of the Botanist Guild, he was leading an expedition when the events of the Seventh Umbral Calamity took place. Rounding up a relief effort group, this ultimately moves him to take up the blade.


Turali Roots:
Tural is someplace he had long to visit for years after leaving. Recent developments allowing for aetheryte travel have since had him return to home, and start newfound adventuers in his homeland.
Nature, Healer, Protector:
He moved to Eorzea young, and start out as a young botanist. Botany eventually lead him to study healing magicks during the events of the Seventh Umbral Calamity. He would take up with militia and train of the sword and shield, though not known to him as Paladin, but as Protectors.
Who's in Charge?:
Since major conflicts Evroult had participated in reached their end, Evroult regularly offers his services as a Protector across the adventuring guilds. This offers him connections across the continents, although usually ends up taking petty jobs as charge for days to weeks at a time.
Huge Softie:
Despite everything, his father did not raise him to be so stoic. He has an affinity for friendship, and does what he can to help if he can.


Evroult in all his glory. Occasionally featuring his special someone.