Evroult Alunastra

Protector. Big, tall, soft. Your favorite all-rounder.


Evroult in all his glory. Occasionally featuring his special someone.


Evroult, born in Southern Ilsabard, him and his family needed to flee at the height of the Garlean occupation. They sought Asylum in Othard, and this is where he was raised through adolescence. Evroult made way to Aldenard at age 17, and was recruited at the Botanist’s guild. He took part in relief efforts supplying gathering needs during the calamity crises, which stirred him to want to take more direct action. This led him down his path of healing arts to assist those in needs as a chirugeon. In his restless mind, he felt his place needed to be at the forefront, defending those who can’t defend themselves. He took up blade and shield, which he bears now.


Ilsabardan Roots:
Mentioning Ilsabard or Othard, the near east, are soft spots for him these are both his home in his eyes.
Nature, Healer, Protector:
He moved to Eorzea young, and start out as a young botanist. Botany eventually lead him to study healing magicks during the events of the Seventh Umbral Calamity. He would take up an oath to his home and studied Ilsabardan techniques of the sword and shield: Protectors.
Save the Queen
During the saga of Save the Queen, Evroult could have been seen assisting in the ranks of the Bozjan Southern Front.
Who's in Charge?:
Since major conflicts Evroult had participated in reached their end, Evroult regularly offers his services as a Protector across the adventuring guilds. This offers him connections across the continents, although usually ends up taking petty jobs as charge for days to weeks at a time.
Huge Softie:
Despite everything, his parents did not raise him to be so stoic. He has an affinity for friendship, and does what he can to help if he can.